Filmmaker Rohit Shetty’s Cirkus will have a Christmas release worldwide. The entertainer starring Ranveer Singh, Pooja Hegde, Jaqueline Fernandez, Varun Sharma and a bevy of celebrated actors will arrive towards the end of the year. But, before that, the actor-director will film additional scenes for the film.
According to a report in a daily, Rohit Shetty has arranged a 7-to-10 days' schedule for the patch shoot with the principal cast. Ranveer Singh began shooting on July 21 at Mehboob Studios in Mumbai. The schedule will be wrapped up by July end following which post-production begins.
Gulshan Kumar, Bhushan Kumar & T-Series presents Cirkus produced and directed by Rohit Shetty. The film is set to release on 23rd December 2022.