Ranbir Kapoor had recently tested positive for COVID-19 and had been under home quarantine until his father Rishi Kapoor’s eleventh month’s prayer meet. The actor was dearly missed by his ladylove Alia Bhatt who had posted a picture of their intertwined hands to express her love for him. The actor had been taking care of all the protocols and has now recovered from the virus.
Heading out for the first time since his recovery, Ranbir Kapoor was spotted by the paparazzi and the actor posed happily from inside his car. Dressed in a black t-shirt, Ranbir Kapoor sported a camouflage mask as he sent across warm greetings for Holi. The actor was seen surfing through his phone and even showed a meme to the paparazzi to show that he’s perfectly fine.
Take a look at his pictures.
Ranbir Kapoor will next be seen in Brahmastra with Alia Bhatt, Amitabh Bachchan, and Nagarjuna. The movie will also have a cameo of Shah Rukh Khan.