Deepika Padukone as Mastani gave us one of the most memorable characters with a spectacular performance in Baajirao Mastani. Celebrating 5 years of this iconic performance, the actress shared a BTS unseen photo from the sets and changed her profile picture and name to Mastani on her social media.
Sharing the photo with her director Sanjay Leela Bhansali from the film, the superstar captioned the photo, “Whether in love or war, Mastani was fuelled by her passion, unafraid to write her own destiny, no matter how perilous the path. She never bowed down and always stood her ground with a fierce dignity and a love so strong that its burning embers seared through every societal constraint, to join both her and her lover's names, for all of eternity... @ranveersingh @priyankachopra @bhansaliproductions #5YearsOfMastani #5YearsOfBajiraoMastani #BajiraoMastani.”
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Along with this nostalgic post, Deepika also shared an art picture made by a fan of our own beloved Mastani on her social media in accordance to her customary #FANartFriday where she acknowledges wonderful fan art made by her fans every friday on her story.
The ‘Deewani Mastani’ gave us an epic love story 5 years ago filled with heartbreak, separation and war for love without fear. And this Mastani will be alive forever in the hearts of millions.