Anushka Sharma recently announced her pregnancy with her husband Virat Kohli and is currently accompanying him to Dubai for the coveted Indian Premiere League (IPL). The couple has been enjoying their partial babymoon. Anushka Sharma’s social media is quite an aesthetic and her recent pictures with the baby bump have left her fans gushing.
Posing in a simple white t-shirt and a pastel dungaree, Anushka Sharma oozes glow and radiance in her latest pictures. Posing without any makeup, Anushka Sharma let her hair down and rounded off her casual look with a pair of white sneakers. Keeping the maternity fashion game high, Anushka Sharma captioned the pictures as, “Pocketful of sunshine ☀️☺️”.
Take a look at them.
Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli will be welcoming their baby in January 2021.
Also Read: Anushka Sharma talks about gender equality in a moving note